We will be closed Tuesday 01/21 & will re-open when weather permits. Check our social media for updates.

Our Drusilla location has relocated to 11445 Coursey Blvd #N

Louisiana Notary Public

Notary Services

Licensed Louisiana notaries are always on duty at all four of our locations. 

Requirements for Notarizations

Valid state-issued identification or a current U.S. passport is required for notarizations. Parties must be present for their signatures to be notarized or present a notarized power of attorney giving the individual present the authority to sign on their behalf. We have most general notary forms available at our office. Please contact us if you have any questions. 

Notary Services

Auto Transfers

Notarizations of Bills of Sale, Acts of Donation, and Auto Titles
An affidavit is a written statement from an individual which is sworn, under oath, to be true

Provisional Custody by Mandate

Allows the parents of a minor to authorize another adult to provide care, custody, and control of their child.

Certified True Copies

Certifies or attests a copy is of an original document

*does not attest to the document’s authenticity

Power of Attorney

A power of attorney gives authority to another person to act on your behal

Business Contracts

Contracts or agreements for individuals, contractors organizations.

*We do not prepare these agreements

And More!
Contact us with any questions!